Providing quality, real-life & evidence based solutions.
Pushing the boundaries of what traditional care looks like.
Wellness Optimization
Innovative consulting & advising service. We help you solve your Department’s, Team’s or Company’s injury rate and risk concerns.
Educational Content
Free & paid resources available at your fingertips for downloading now.
Physiotherapy/Athletic Therapy & Chiropractic
Skilled, hands on assessment & rehab plan with 1on1 care help you perform at your best.
Are you:
Frustrated trying to figure out how to best help your team perform optimally?
Or maybe you’re:
Scratching your head trying to sort out how you can optimize (or start) your health and wellness division?
But you are definitely:
Sick of all the injuries, especially the ones that keep continuously occurring
(even though you already have a strength & conditioning program in place…)
Do you want to…
Feel confident that you & your team are performing optimally
Feel like you’ve empowered them to do and feel their best
Definitely want to…
Feel like your department is ahead of the game
Do you feel like you have tried it all?
Downloaded the newest content
Set up an in-house peer trainer
Have a set workout routine for everyone
Given incentives for working out
But they just keep getting injured & not following the plan?
Don’t worry - this is where BOLD comes in!
Let us help you, help your team.
Invest in your team
For the departments, detachments & companies who want to go from feeling like they can’t keep up with the number of injuries occurring, to instead feeling like they have empowered their members & staff and have decreased the amount of $ spent on injuries and time off.
Improve overall performance, minimize injury risk
For First Responders & Athletes who want to go from feeling discouraged and frustrated, to instead feeling empowered and enabled with performing at their best both at work & in life.
Contact us for a free consult to see how BOLD can help you.
There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.